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Hi Graham,

Found your site through Technorati and have enjoyed looking through it. I was recently diagnosed BP II and have just posted on how I reached my diagnosis

If you are interested it's here...


Well done on the Marathons.

Best wishes

Graham Smith

Hi PJ,
Appreciate your comment, i wonder that most times I am just adrift somewhere with ships just passing me by. So good to know that someone somewhere has discovered my Blog.

I have added your Blog to my fav blogs menu and had a quick look at your blog. I don't have time just yet but I will take a look over the next few days.

Always fascinated by what other Bipolarites have to share...

Take care.



We're a pretty cool bunch I reckon...

Have added you to my blogroll also.

And thanks for the link!



Wow, Graham. I couldn't have said it better.
"a chance to re-evaluate exactly what it is that I want from life." Having this illness really puts things into perspective, doesn't it?
"It is not just the illness you need to manage but the lifelong associations, beliefs and thoughts that need to be re-wired and re-aligned." I totally agree. But how?
I am so glad that you're taking an active role in your recovery. I agree with you when you wrote, "To learn about something you do not know is to reduce the fear of the said unknown."

Calvin Klein

thank you1

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